Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sharing news of good things with others

I’ve found that sharing news of good things in my life with others gives me a real boost. The emotional uplift comes not only from telling my good news but from hearing the positives that have been happening in the other person’s life. I have a weekly phone call with my friend Fiona where we tell each other about all the good things that happened to us in the last week.

Not only is the conversation enjoyable but Fiona says that knowing the phone call is coming up motivates her to organise positive experiences to talk about. It also raises her awareness of the good things that happen in her week. The end result is much more sunshine in her life, as well as mine.

Phone calls are not the only way of sharing good things – sending an email or writing them in a blog also works well. I’ve been part of a daily email circle where each person adds their good things and sends it on. That was a great way of being reminded to notice the enjoyable and uplifting things that happened in my life.

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