My concern now is how to stay happy despite the crap in my life. I keep reminding myself of one of the things I’ve learned in my decades of transforming depression into happiness:
Though life may be crappy, I can still be happy
There was a time when I believed my mood was controlled by my circumstances. If I’d had a good day and things were going well, I should be happy, and vice versa. I even added up the score of good things versus bad each day so I could know what mood I should be in. And when I fell below my high standards, boy did I punish myself with depression. Then I discovered cognitive therapy. One of the ideas that had the biggest impact on me was from the philospher Epictetus:
What disturbs people's minds is not events but their judgments on events.
To me this meant that if I chose a certain way of thinking about things I could be happy even when things were crappy. It has been a long-term mission to learn how to think differently when crap happens, but by and large I’ve managed to do so. It’s had a huge impact on my mood – for the better! So I remind myself of this in order that even though I may lose all my money, I can avoid losing what is even more precious to me – my happiness.
I'm sorry for the crappy but am glad you can be happy. Your attitude is inspiring.
ReplyDeleteThank you honey. I find it's helpful to remind myself that I'm allowed to feel happy even when things aren't perfect. There will always be crap but why let that spoil a perfectly good life?!!