A lot of books have helped me feel happier and/or less depressed. The ones that come top of my list are:
1/ Feelin

g Good: The New Mood Therapy/ The Feeling Good Handbook by David Burns
It’s an interesting point whether less depression equals more happiness. I can say witho

ut hesitation that
Feeling Good helped me feel less depressed, many times. I think it also helped me feel happier, although it wasn’t the total answer. I had a to look a lot further than the techniques Dr Burns teaches to achieve happiness. But these techniques helped me reduce my bad feelings and increase my good feelings, and helped me climb out of many a relapse.
The Feeling Good Handbook helped me recover from a serious suicide attempt.
Feeling Good has sold 3 million copies and I feel awed and humbled when I consider the number of people David Burns has helped, as well as profoundly grateful he wrote it. I wouldn’t want to be living today (and very possibly would not be) without the things I learned from his books.
2/ Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman
I cam across

this book fairly late in the piece. Whereas I first encountered cognitive and behavioural techniques in 1982 after an episode of major depression, I didn’t find this landmark work until the late 90’s, when I largely had my depression under control. But it blew me away nonetheless. This book is about how thinking optimistically can not only make you feel better but help you be more successful in work and other areas of life. Research h

as since shown that optimistic thinking increases good health and life span. I found the book mind blowing and use the techniques it outlines to this day.
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