Good things for the last week

- Falling asleep in the sun in the Hamilton Gardens, such a luxurious feeling just drifting away in the warmth
- Getting back to my own home after a weekend away
- Brunch at Metropolis with friends from Hamilton Pride and beyond to celebrate a successful Pride week 09
- Great conversations with friends, in person and on the phone – enjoyable, funny and intimate
- Watching Susan Potter’s documentary ‘An ordinary person’ about the use of the partial provocation defence (the one used by Clayton Weatherston) in cases where the victim is gay

- Watching my silly dog go nutty trying to eat the water from the hose
- Rocky Horror Show at the movies with audience participation and prizes – so much fun!
- I have a lovely new dog who is affectionate and easy and takes care of my lunkhead dog by playing with him and exercising him – life is easy since Sophie the staffy came to live here!
- Stimulating workshops at Hamilton Pride week, including a very funny one on queer humour, which I’m still telling jokes from (Don’t Let your Son go down on Me, that well known hit by Elton John as sung by Miss Tess Tickle)
- Half a glass of delicious Stone Hill Sauvignon Blanc, a real treat for me as I don’t usually drink and I don’t usually like dry white wine
- Feeling better physically after a restful week last week
- Staying the weekend with my friend’s parents and catching up with them
- Finally cancelling broadband (which I’ve never used in the whole time I’ve been paying for it)
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