I know the conventional wisdom is to identify the top priority on your to do list and do it first. But if you're like me you may have sat, paralysed, staring at that top priority and feeling unable to get started on it. Well, I have two tried and true techniques for getting past that paralysis. Here's one of them.
It's pretty

If you find you end up feeling bad because you didn't do the 'right' thing, then I've found talking back to those voices is helpful, with comments like:
- at least I did something
- I made progress today
- I can do that other task when I'm feeling fresher, and
- the best is the enemy of the good.
I had an experience like this last week. My top priority was editing an article I'd just got feedback on. But I felt totally demotivated about doing that, especially as I had to make it shorter and editing is not my strong suite! So instead, I changed gears and worked on drafting a new article. I promised myself I'd go back to editing next week, when I feel fresh and have some perspective. At the end of the day, I felt good about what I'd achieved - much better than if I'd done nothing. That really would have resulted in self-recrimination!
My other tip? It's 'just aim to do five minutes on it' - and that's one I'll be using this coming week to get the editing done! I'll do a post on this in future, but if you want to read more about it now look at my other blog, under 'older posts - 'my best anti procrastination technique' (note to self - must learn how to add links to other websites!)
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