kes you feel bad is enough to decrease them
2. A

3. Do something. As long as it’s not self-destructive, doing almost anything will lift your spirits and reduce negative emotions

How to transform depression into happiness by someone who's done it, using proven effective techniques.
I had an experience like this last week. My top priority was editing an article I'd just got feedback on. But I felt totally demotivated about doing that, especially as I had to make it shorter and editing is not my strong suite! So instead, I changed gears and worked on drafting a new article. I promised myself I'd go back to editing next week, when I feel fresh and have some perspective. At the end of the day, I felt good about what I'd achieved - much better than if I'd done nothing. That really would have resulted in self-recrimination!
My other tip? It's 'just aim to do five minutes on it' - and that's one I'll be using this coming week to get the editing done! I'll do a post on this in future, but if you want to read more about it now look at my other blog, under 'older posts - 'my best anti procrastination technique' (note to self - must learn how to add links to other websites!)