I cannot believe the difficulty I’m having buying a light box. I suffer from mild SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder (one of the finest acronyms ever invented, in my book, and I am a connoisseur of acronyms). Normally I cope with it by going for a walk every morning. Since walking any significant distance has become a no-no because it knocks me out for the rest of the day, I’ve had to look for other solutions. Apparently the winters in my new home are long and grey, so I thought a light box would be a good idea. My approach to getting happy and staying that way is that ‘every little helps.’ I use lots of different techniques at the same time, working on the theory that the cumulative weight of them will make the positive difference. I’m n

ot interested in finding a magic bullet – in my experience there is no such thing. What I am interested in is proven effective techniques, and lots of them. Even cognitive therapy, without which I would not want to be in the world (and probably would not be), is not enough on its own for `me.
For someone whose depression started later than mine did, or has been less severe or less chronic, one, or even two, techniques would probably

be enough. Like exercise and an activity schedule, or meds and cognitive therapy. But I’ve found that I need many more than that to stay in the feeling good zone. Currently I use cognitive therapy, behavioral techniques, diet, St John’s Wort, fish oil (for omega 3 fatty acids), a mix of vitamins and minerals, keeping note of positive things that happen and things I’m looking fo
rward to, social contact and support (a wonderful counselor), a rough activity schedule, savoring, and others. Bright light and exercise are two of my favorites but they are harder to do now that my energy is so limited. Hence the attempt to buy a light box – it may be just enough to give me that extra edge and help me stay in my happy place. Why it’s so difficult to buy one in New Zealand I have no idea. The best offer I’ve had so far is from a company who can ship me one from their Netherlands warehouse. That might be the best I will get. But I will keep on trying to find one closer to home.
Light box this sounds really useful..I presume you've tried Trade Me.
ReplyDeleteCheers janet Keen
Yeah they are really useful when you can't get out much or it's very grey weather. I haven't tried Trade Me - will check it out. Ta for that suggestion.