Recently I've noticed that I've fallen into a bad old habit. It's thinking that I can only be happy if everything in my life goes well. I've worked hard to develop new thinking habits over the past 30 years but the old ones still occasionally poke their heads through, like weeds in a flower garden. My best weedkiller for this pesky idea is summed up by the slogan 'I can be happy even when life is crappy.' This reminds me that life doesn't have to be perfect for me to enjoy it.
In fact it goes even further, and reminds me that life is never perfect. If I look hard enough I'll always find something that I could be upset about. I could always lose a little weight, have a little bit more money or energy, have better relationships or more vocational success. The trick with being happy when things are crappy is to notice the positives that do happen, and plan activities that are engrossing and meaningful, as well as fun. Having goals also helps. More than anything it's about where I direct my focus - onto what's wrong, or what I'm enjoying, planning and achieving.